Maja, a waitress in a small village, aimlessly floats through life, while trying to come to terms with a much different past; until one day a strange woman, who is waiting for someone, comes into Maja's place of work.
The true story of Polish fortunes and the story of the heroes from the first part has its colorful continuation. Can business friends continue to trust each other when even more money is at stake? How were state-owned companies privatized, garnering millions into private pockets? Who was pulling the strings in free Poland? Even more mysteries. Human weaknesses.
II koncert na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę
When a spiteful coworker sabotages her deliveries, a courier and a helpful customer must race to return Christmas presents to their intended recipients.
Tired of just scraping by, an ambitious janitor scams and schemes his way to the good life in 1980s Poland amid changing regimes and personal chaos.