The Rap of China is a Chinese rap reality show produced by IQiyi. The show is based on a South Korean rap reality show called Show Me The Money. The show has four celebrity producers whose job is to train and guide the rappers participating in the competition. The producers are Chinese-Canadian singer-songwriter Kris Wu, Taiwanese-American singer Wilber Pan, Taiwanese rapper MC HotDog and aboriginal Taiwanese rock musician Chang Chen Yue.
Road-type outdoor reality show. The five-kazakhstan tour group takes time out of the busy and trivial daily life to embark on a journey from east to west across China.
The program brings together nearly 150 artists who cross the border to become athletes in the program to prepare for and compete in three categories of athletics, water sports and general events.
As the clock's hands move, the wheel of time accumulates the past. Time passes, and the boys ride the waves. Showcasing their strength and skill, they make the sky shine brightly. Sailing through the waves, expectations await.