YSHA wants to travel to make amends with people she hurt in the past. XANDER is in need of money to support his family. The two accidentally meet---will love find its way through them too?
A land-grabbing tycoon and a former sexy male actor are in a tight race for mayor in a small town. When violence erupts, Emmy, a teacher, runs into the wilderness with a ballot box, the last copy of the election result.
Romance blossoms between a young man and a woman who is searching for her estranged daughter in Europe. After their relationship failed, a twist of fate brings him and her daughter together.
The celebrity edition of the reality game show "Pinoy Big Brother" features Filipino Celebrity housemates live together, share their stories and build meaningful relationships as they do tasks and challenges supervised by Big Brother. Every week a nomination is done, and the public decides who gets evicted and eventually become the Big Winner of the program.