A very ancient monster, Okamuro San, appears to those who say his name or search for him on the internet to chop off their heads...
The film depicts a coming-of-age story centered on the two sugar babies, Kotone, who is unemployed, and Sakura, a college student, in the coronavirus pandemic, as they try their best to live at the mercy of frivolous men.
Gosei School has a long history. The principal of the school is highly ambitious and he tries to achieve his goals by using supernatural majin powers. Six students go up against the principal. The students are Taisei Manaka (Taisho Iwasaki), Ryuhei Domon (Ryuga Sato), Yusuke Takigawa (Yuto Nasu), Hyuma Oura (Hidaka Ukisho), Naoya Morimura (Naoki Fujii) and Ichika Sakurai (Issei Kanasashi).
Ijuuin Shou is the leader of the Grand Cross, a gang of delinquents with over a thousand members. Yamada Tatsuhito is a perennial errand boy with no presence in class who is the bottom of the school hierarchy. When Shou ends up hospitalized, he proposes that Tatsuhito take his place as his body double for a month while he recovers to prevent the gang falling into disarray. Tatsuhito, who goes from a life of being bullied to a life as a delinquent leader, struggles to get through each day without others finding out his true identity. Takahashi Fumiya takes on a dual role of both characters.
初恋ハラスメント ~私の恋がこんなに地獄なワケがない~