A modern-day fairy tale, The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro is a story of how a group of high school Latin American History class students learn to regret their decision to not fully appreciate the Liberator of Brazil.
Stam, a not so smart cop, must figure out if a random assault on a young woman, Vivian, is connected to a killer stalking Pittsburgh and removing victims' brains. And why is Viv losing her smarts while becoming aggressive and violent?
After the death of her high school sweetheart, a teen spirals into dangerous and violent behaviors fueled by hallucinations and memories of her lost love.
A movie within the The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro feature film, Winner Takes All: Royal Flush is the latest sequel in the wildly successful Winner Takes All series about a shadowy billionaire and his loyal accomplice who swindle the world's best out of their hard-earned winnings. This time around, it's a high stakes game of poker.
A fearless agent is captured and interrogated by a powerful crime boss, Under the threat of a new weapon technology, She must battle her way out of captivity while trying to keep the mission alive.
A typical rom-com with an atypical rom-com ending, I Swiped the Wrong One is the story of four thirtysomethings who attempt to navigate the world of 21st century online dating.