In a dystopian future, a group of murderers facing the death penalty participate in a game show where they must survive being hunted down by famed TV personality and sport hunter Tad Nightingale, in order to gain freedom from the system.
A freelance news crew and a hotshot reporter search for a violent vagrant and get more than they bargained for.
An impaired driver faces his own mortality on a lonely stretch of highway.
A new sound makes waves in a quiet small town known for step dancing and fiddle music. Hardcore comes to HockeyTown.
Nearly thirty years after the strange disappearance of a Canadian baseball team, a recovered VHS tape reveals their shocking final moments as they're hunted down by a backwoods psychopath.
An alien disease spreads like wildfire infecting a chain of unsuspecting victims. A man and his dog are all that stand in the way of containing the danger.
A father and son serial killer duo terrorize a group of hikers before a tragedy conjures a killing spree.