The story revolves around Madelaine, a charming farm girl and school photographer from Dewetsdorp. Her life takes an unexpected turn when her car breaks down in Gauteng, leading to a chance encounter with a handsome stranger.
Wors Visagie, who previously worked at the Vetkoekpaleis restaurant, steps in to save the place from bankruptcy while it was owned by Ruben Delport.
A South African Afrikaans soap opera. It is set in and around the fictional private hospital, Binneland Kliniek, in Pretoria, and the storyline follows the trials, trauma and tribulations of the staff and patients of the hospital.
Poena is a South African, Afrikaans-language television sitcom based on a character created for the 2003 sitcom Gauteng-alĂȘng-alĂȘng, which spun off into the 2007 film Poena is Koning (Poena is King), as well as the follow-up TV movies Poena (2020) and Poena en Poenie (2021).
A low-cost airline with a team of eccentric flight attendants, two pilots, a nervous wreck of a manager and his personal assistant who always get themselves into crazy situations can only mean one thing - a pleasure flight with lots of entertainment and hilarious moments.