Set in 1941, the film delves into the complexities of rural life in Bengal. It sheds light on the oppressive Zamindari system, a social structure that perpetuates inequality and suffering. By exploring the lives of individuals caught within this system, the film offers a poignant commentary on the changing social dynamics and the growing discontent that would ultimately lead to significant transformations.
Yashomati runs away from home in search of freedom and travels to Ahmedabad, Gujarat. When her bags get stolen, Shankar helps her. However, when he takes her home to her parents, she feels betrayed.
A 1970 Bengali Drama Film directed by Pijush Bose.
Pankhiraj is a 1979 Bengali language Indian drama film directed by Pijush Basu, starring Uttam Kumar, Soumitra Chatterjee, Nandita Bose, Samit Bhanja, and Utpal Dutta.
Indra and Radha's love is short-lived when he decides to go abroad. Soon enough, Radha's life takes an ugly turn when her child with Indra, born out of wedlock, dies and she is accused of murder.