In the third installment of 'Las Nevadas', Quackity sets off to recruit people for his new nation. With each character having a different origin story, one in particular stands out from the rest as being a brand new addition: a thousand year old slime that knows nothing about humans.
The fourth installment of "Las Nevadas" follows Quackity teaching Slime lessons about how to be human, while also tying up loose ends and getting unneeded closure on his past relationships.
In the "final chapter" of 'Las Nevadas," Quackity teaches Charlie more lessons about humanity as Quackity and the rest of his cabinet in Las Nevadas prepare for the casino's opening. However, it does not go quite as planned...
In a special installment of 'Las Nevadas', Quackity meets alternate versions of himself and reconciles with his mistakes, his victories, and reflects on his life altogether in one explosive finale.