A violent thriller set in the outback of remote La Plata region, I'LL NEVER DIE ALONE (aka NO MORIRE SOLA) is a tough and pounding story of revenge for rape, mercilessly carried out by a group of women intent on pursuing their attackers to the bitter end.
A history of Argentine horror cinema, from its beginnings in 1934 to present day. It is a path of defeat, dead-end streets and triumphs, where the protagonists will lead us through the lesser known hallways of local horror.
A couple of hunters have the mission of murdering a horde of zombies in a town in the province of Buenos Aires.
Anhology of surprises and a couple of curiosities made by the brothers Adrián and Ramiro García Bogliano in Cuba, Argentina and Spain.
Argentinean filmmakers talk about the Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre Film Festival and the history of genre cinema in Argentina.