A coming of age dramatic comedy dealing with the effect that two "summers" have on the lives of several teenagers. The main story involves an innocent teenage boy and a conniving teenage girl who meet on a beach one summer in Southern Brazil. They meet up again the following summer
In a devastated post-apocalyptic world where the rules of reality are transformed by magic and madness, a vengeful police officer searches for a possessed serial killer in a battle of the not-so-good versus absolute evil.
A documentary crew follows Cattleman, Porto Alegre's newest villain, in an attempt to sully the name of the city's hero, Super-Guy.
Éder is arrested after confessing the murder of a man. Duca, his nephew, is sure that his uncle confessed the crime to protect his girlfriend, Soraya, ex-wife of the deceased, so he enlists two of his friends to help prove his theory.
The story of a man who invented a country.
It's morning. Lisandra drinks coffee, Roberto reads the newspaper. The two old friends have issues to solve before Cecilia arrives.
Investigating the murder of Chuchu, Dectective Eggplant interrogates four and a half vegetables suspects, without knowing that the real murderer was right below his roots
Rufus, the priest, can't forget the first time he heard rap music.
Caixa Preta