Hollywood Capers

Leon Schlesinger Productions

Animation Comedy
7 min     5.1     1935     USA


W.C.Fields enters the Warmer Bros. Studio. Beans tries to drive in, but the guard throws him and his car against a tree. Charlie Chaplin drives in, followed by Oliver Hardy on foot - but we see that it's really Beans in disguise. Oliver Owl is directing a picture; Beans sneaks onto the stage. He's watching from a catwalk when someone knocks him off, into the middle of the scene. Beans is thrown off the set, right into the set of a Frankenstein movie. He accidentally brings the robotic monster to life, and it crashes into the original studio, eating the camera. Beans tries to stop the monster, but is sent flying. He lands against a wind machine. which chops up the monster.


CinemaSerf wrote:
Despite the best efforts of the security guard, "Beans" - one of the "Boston Beans" don't you know, manages to smuggle himself into the Warner Bros. set disguised as Oliver Hardy and to gatecrash a film shoot (which might well have been the best thing that could have happened to it!). With the ambidextrous turtle providing the soundtrack, "Beans" is soon causing chaos and gets chucked out - only to find himself on one of James Whale's fully plugged in Frankenstein sets! Even more mayhem now ensues as the monster wakes up and runs riot. Somehow "Beans" has to put things right whilst there's still studio left standing. It's quite good fun, this animation, with plenty going on and a bit of insider Hollywood humour to keep it a bit different.
