The story involves various ninja clans in a constant state of war with one another. The female protagonist is Miko Mido, a young ninja-in-training and the next leader of the Miroku ninja clan. This clan has control over the Shikima, a perverted race of sex-hungry demons led by Miko's father, the Shikima Lord. However, when thieves steal the magic compact that grants the clan this power, Miko has to fight the Shikima, utilizing her "sexcraft" ninjutsu in order to save the world. The Shikima live in a parallel dimension called the Shikima Realm, and one must perform specific sexual rituals in order to travel there. A Compilation of the first four Episodes of La Blue Girl.
Venus-Award 2001: Bestes deutsches Softvideo 'Die Teufelsinsel' von Inkognito Filmproduktion. In 14 Tagen auf Gran Canaria gedreht. Mit 3 Mast Holzschoner, Sunseeker Yacht, eigener Feriensiedlung und einer Crew von 40 Leuten.
Rekha is in love with Shankar since childhood. But Rekha's adopted sister, Lata, has an affair with Shankar and breaks their union with the help of her maid.
A young woman faces an unexpected pregnancy and must inform her father.
Japan has a recidivism rate of 50%. The staff at a magazine called CHANGE want to lower that by rehabilitating former prisoners. This forms the basis of FUNAHASHI Atsushi’s ensemble docudrama, which tells the story from both the perspectives of the editorial team and ex-cons.
Exploring helplessness, Pyre is an experimental short film which personifies death as a ghoul in a dress, drawing closer and closer until striking.
Glen is surprised when a news anchor stops reporting on the Gulf War and begins talking directly to him through the television set.
Forthcoming horror movie
Two creative con men romance widows to invest in their worthless oil well during the Great Depression. Hilarity ensues when they accidentally make the biggest oil strike in the world, pitting them against jilted lovers, angry investors and a no-nonsense judge.
An unlucky musician returns back home on the day of his younger brother's movie premiere to steal and sell his computer to the paparazzi.
After losing her parents, Kanako moves in with her grandmother in a town by the sea.
Eleonora is trapped in her marriage with Achilleas. Her brother, Vagelis, unwillingly offers her a possible way out.
The band "Techno Brothers" played by Watanabe, brother Watanabe Yuji and pal Kurosaki Takanori, go to find fame and fortune in Tôkyô. It’s more accurate, though, to call it their manager’s plan. Named Himuro, she channels the look and attitude of famed Vogue editor Anna Wintour, from her bobbed hair and ever-present sunglasses to her commanding air and iron will.
Nouveaux meurtres à Saint-Malo
A barber seeks vengeance after his home is burglarized, cryptically telling police his "Lakshmi" has been taken, leaving them uncertain if it's a person or object, jeer at his request until they learn what they're really looking for.
Lera has been living in Berlin for almost a year after the start of the war in Ukraine. Lera does not feel well in Berlin and makes an impulsive decision to go to Kyiv, for the first time during the war. On the way to Kyiv, she learns that her family is not in Kyiv, and will come only the next day. Therefore, she meets her friend Kyryl, with whom she spends the day, as she used to before the war. In the morning, Lera meets her mother and sister, and finally feels at home. But she still doubts whether she will stay in Kyiv or go back to Berlin.
Manu and Meenakshi are in love. Meenakshi was raped by R.K. Nair, the employer of Manu's father. Manu's father, to save his master, took the blame upon himself. Manu decides to deal with R.K. Nair.
An old and ailing king decides to hand over the reins of the kingdom to his son. However, on the day of the coronation, several contenders appear and claim to be the rightful heir to the throne.