First installment in a series about local Japanese urban legends. This installment includes 'Turbo-Granny', 'Gomiko-san' and 'Mom Comes at Night'.
Red chapter in the 'Toko Reizo' series.
Words alone can't explain, the seal of the horror photo is now broken...
The moment you point your camera at a mysterious object and release the shutter, you have already entered a deep forest inhabited by spirits... Contains four episodes including "The House Where Evil Spirits Dwell" and "Underground Idols.
The 5th installment of the blockbuster series! " Complete visualization of the horror thread that became a hot topic in "2channel"!! Many 2-channel residents are serious (writing) on threads made of 2-channel occult boards, such as "Kisaragi Station", which depicts the scary experience that happened at the station where they accidentally got off, and "Hisaruki" which can only be seen by children. Carefully selected from the contents that became a hot topic!
The 7th installment of the omnibus horror series that visualizes the horror thread that has become a hot topic on 2ch. Includes 5 episodes: "Lullaby", "Hasshaku-sama", "I killed my mother", "Please look for this person", and "My sister has returned to her parents' house after a long absence".
The screams of the idols are echoed by the extremely unscrupulous actions that should never be done, including the manager of the office.
The video circle of S Women's University was covering a bizarre incident. However, the reporter suddenly disappeared, and only the tape remained.
Full of amazing treasured images by masked collectors obtained independently from a completely different route from the existing similar titles!
The real curse freak is proliferating all over Japan! A monumental psychic documentary.
The 20th installment of the "sealed video" series containing horror images approaching "true fear". I can hear an eerie sound from the cassette tape I bought at the thrift store. There is something mysterious in the video that shows the situation .... " Includes a total of 5 episodes, including "Cassette tape" and "Along the railroad tracks".
22nd entry in the 'Sealed Video' franchise from the production team of 'Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video'.
32nd entry in the 'Sealed Video' franchise from the production team of 'Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video'.
33rd entry in the 'Sealed Video' franchise from the production team of 'Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video'.
36th entry in the 'Sealed Video' franchise from the production team of 'Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video'.
39th entry in the 'Sealed Video' franchise from the production team of 'Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video'.
A number of "things that should not be reflected" and "things that should not be taken" that everyday images were captured by chance. Is that a warning to us from the spirit world? Or is it a sign of a curse?
The 4th horror documentary released by the staff of "Real Horror Ghost Video" series. Includes all 10 posted videos that director Junpei Tsuchida has lifted the ban on to death. Here is the most terrifying message from an evil spirit who left this world with a strong grudge.
The most terrifying work of the summer classic genre, horror, is completed! The 5th installment of the series! 10 consecutive videos of horror posts! I'm ready to die a curse and the ban will be lifted again!!
45th entry in the 'Sealed Video' franchise from the production team of 'Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video'.