Niels Hausgaard: Jomfru Igen
a stand-up show with Tobias Dybvad.
Linda P's Sabotagehunger
Jacob Taarnhøj: Krøllehjern'
Thomas Hartmann: Jokebox
Thomas Warberg: Perfektion, overskud og andre lorteord
Niels Hausgaard: Live med mer
Niels Hausgaard: Kun Ydre Ting
Thomas Warberg: Du har det ikke fra mig
Jeg er stadig Nikolaj Stokholm
Torben Chris' ABC
Heino Hansens første comedy show
Torben Chris: Jydelogik
Livet i nødsporet
Thomas Warberg comedy tour '14
Can you become a better person by playing role-playing games? Is it even possible to save yourself, the planet and everyone else? Are you necessarily evil just because you were born an orc? Get the answer when Niels Forsberg embarks on an adventure with new philosophical castles in the air and some really stupid jokes.
Danish stand-up show from 2019
JOKES – fra en hvid, straight mand
Niels Hausgaard: Vildskab