Fear No More

Scaramouche Productions Inc. (I)

Thriller Drama Mystery
80 min     6     1961     USA


Accused of killing a woman on a train, Sharon Carlin runs home to find another corpse there too!


CinemaSerf wrote:
Male Powers ("Sharon") is quite good in this otherwise unremarkable thriller. She sets off on a train journey only to find her cabin occupied by a mysterious man - and a dead woman. Next thing she knows she is soaked in whisky and being interrogated by a police officer. It turns out that she has only recently been released from psychiatric care, so her protestations of innocence fall on deaf ears. Things become further complicated for her when she manages to escape, only to return home and find yet another corpse! She, now pretty paranoid, is determined to get to the bottom of things, and together with handsome stranger "Paul" (Jacques Bergerac) is soon immersed in a plot surrounding the $5 million dollar estate of the deceased women. Whilst Powers does fine here, the rest of the cast are really mediocre and the screenplay trips over it's cloak and stabs itself with it's own dagger just once too often as it tries to stay intriguing. I kept expecting Peter Lorre to turn up at some stage - and maybe he would have helped inject a semblance of menace into this quickly paced, but wordy and clunkily directed B-feature.
