Snakes, creatures with superpowers that have allowed them to adapt perfectly to their environment, play an essential role in the ecosystem.
A close look at flowers and pollinators on a sunny summer morning.
Madagascar, paradis des caméléons
A documentary of insect life in meadows and ponds, using incredible close-ups, slow motion, and time-lapse photography. It includes bees collecting nectar, ladybugs eating mites, snails mating, spiders wrapping their catch, a scarab beetle relentlessly pushing its ball of dung uphill, endless lines of caterpillars, an underwater spider creating an air bubble to live in, and a mosquito hatching.
A short documentary about an unusual duck that appeared in New York's Central Park and created a global media sensation.
Asia is home to the world's most lethal serpents, but which of its scores of slithering predators is the deadliest? Join venom expert Bryan Fry on his cross-continental quest to find the perfect serpentine killer.
He calls himself Catman. Christian lives with his two cats Marmelade and Katjuscha. They are inseparable. As he yearns to become a father, he has his beloved Marmelade fertilized by an exclusive tomcat abroad.
The Marine Iguanas of the Galapagos
David Attenborough and scientist Johan Rockström examine Earth's biodiversity collapse and how this crisis can still be averted.
"Incredible," "beautiful" and "exotic" are only a few of the words (besides "eek!") that describe Bugz. Everything from bugs you'd recognize to bugs you've never seen before (thank goodness!) creeping, jumping, fluttering, squirming and scurrying across your TV screen.
The documentary tells why Donald Duck hit Europe like a bomb after the Second World War, creates a loving psychogram of the drake who’d love to be successful and eventually examines the question how our on self-optimization focused society deals with failure.
Johnny Knoxville of 'Jackass' releases unused material of stunts, tricks, antics and shenanigans shot during the production of 'Jackass 3D' that didn't make it into the film, as well as the hilarious outtakes.
Guinea Pig Diaries is an unfiltered look into the lives of guinea pigs and the people who adore them, breed them, show them, and rescue them.
Venom expert Dr. Bryan Fry embarks on a dangerous island journey to uncover the deadly secrets of vipers, stonefish and the formidable Komodo dragon.
In the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, there is a paradise unlike any other: the Galapagos. Amongst these remote volcanic islands, life has played out over millions of years in relative isolation. The result is a wonderland of nature.
A documentary showing the lives of an worker ant colony.
A variety of unusual and frightening snakes are featured in this program. These unpredictable reptiles have appeared in both nature and recorded history for thousands of years. The huge appetite of the monstrous python and the toxicity of the Gaboon Viper are examined. Experts also comment on the spitting cobra's ability to hit its distant targets. The eating and mating habits of tropical sea snakes are compared to other snakes that exist exclusively on land. There's additional information about how snakes birth their young and how likely a particular snake is to attack when provoked.
Ducks are true originals. There are more than 120 different species of ducks in all, a fantastical group of complex characters. Ducks have a talent for survival, and life stories filled with personality and charm. Each bird is more fun than the last, and will leave you wanting more.
Do we need animals to fill the void that should really be filled by people? To what extent do we project our own deprivation and longing on these sweet pets? All the protagonists in this documentary are indirectly afraid of being rejected and find safety and unconditional love in their animal(s). We observe these relationships and follow them in their steps to overcome their anxieties and insecurities and step into the world of humans more.
It delivers enough venom in one bite to kill a hundred people, yet it solely preys on other snakes. Through rare footage follow the King Cobra on its journey throughout the rainforests of India seeking food and a mate.