Inspired by true events, a gifted yet rebellious high school student transfers from a prestigious academy to a notorious "cursed section" in a public school. There, he befriends a group of misfits known as "The Boys at the Back" and embarks on a mission to help them graduate, showcasing the transformative power of unity and friendship.
A self-centered influencer on his way to a gig finds himself babysitting a lost, loud-mouthed, 9-year-old girl who snuck into his van to find her way back home.
In this heartwarming ensemble comedy, Mary’s adoptive gay mother’s last dying wish was to reunite their all-queer volleyball team. Even with the challenges that she is faced with, including her own personal affairs, and financial troubles, Mary tries to fulfil the wish. She must convince her disjointed chosen family to join the one day volleyball league, with hopes of winning the cash grand prize to pay for a proper funeral for Mary’s mother.
A one-of-a-kind legacy project produced by TBA Studios, Habambuhay is a homage to the centennial anniversary of Philippine cinema–an insightfully entertaining documentary series, revisiting the personal experiences of those who work in front of or behind the cameras, those who have shaped the film industry of the Philippines for the longest time.
A young boy's innocence is slowly deprived by digital overstimulation and the War on Drugs. Surrounded by a world of vices, his future becomes uncertain when he learns the truth about the people around him.
Film: American Beginnings of Philippine Cinema is the second episode in Deocampo's evolving saga of the country's history of Philippine cinema. Based on his recent book, Film: American Influences on Philippine Cinema, this 3D-animated documentary ventures from Escolta through Avenida as we discover how film came to be in the Philippines.
Six individuals from different generations recall the golden age of Cebuano cinema, modern Cebuano cinema, their experiences, and discuss their aspirations about the future of Cebu’s film scene.