Caroline Estremo, a nurse by profession, decided to bring her first book to the stage: "#infirmière". Instead of plunging into tragedy, she opts for humor: "I wanted to talk about it with humor, because it's more listenable for the general public. We've been on strike for years, marching in the streets, but I have the impression that people no longer hear us or see us. So I chose a different strategy: to make people laugh and make them laugh." It is thus that her one-woman show was born.
Aymeric Lompret : Tant Pis
Ahmed Sylla : Avec un grand A
Dieudonné - En paix
Alexandre Barrette: Semi-Croquant
Cathy Gauthier presents her fourth one-woman show called Classique. The comedian jokes on several themes and tells various anecdotes from her daily life, notably addressing her childbirth and her life as a couple.
La folle soirée d'Eric Antoine
Franck Dubosc - J'vous ai pas raconté ?
Dédo - Biafine
Bérengère Krief - Amour
Adib Alkhalidey: Québécois Tabarnak
Les confessions de Stéphane Rousseau
Eric Antoine - Réalité ou illusion
Kamel le magicien : Crois en tes rêves !
Cute one-trick doggie show. The backdrop is beautifully detailed, yet the illusion of depth is humorously broken by the balloon bouncing off the set.
Eric Antoine - Mystéric
Eric Antoine - Magic Délirium
Dieudonné - Gilets Jaunes
Tania Dutel : Les Autres
Dieudonné - L'Émancipation