Wrong Turn 2: Dead End

Evil Awaits.

Horror Thriller
96 min     6.116     2007     Germany


Retired military commander Colonel Dale Murphy hosts the simulated post-apocalyptic reality show where participants are challenged to survive a remote West Virginia wasteland. But the show turns into a nightmarish showdown when each realizes they are being hunted by an inbred family of cannibals determined to make them all dinner!


Wuchak wrote:
_**One of the goriest films ever made**_ A Survivor-like reality show meets in the backwoods of West Virginia where the contestants & crew find themselves assaulted by a family of mutant yokels. Henry Rollins plays the Drill Instructor-like host of the show. “Wrong Turn 2: Dead End” (2007) is the first of many sequels in the franchise about cannibalistic hillbillies in Appalachia. The reason "Deliverance" (1972) is so iconic and unsettling is because the story actually COULD happen. The first “Wrong Turn” film from 2003 started out this way but became increasingly unbelievable as the story progressed. As such, it was entertaining and compelling but not genuinely scary. This one adds some overt camp and goofiness while increasing the gore factor. It may well be the goriest film ever made at the time of its release. And it is entertaining to a point, despite the disgusting elements (not just gore, but sleaze as well), yet it’s not truly chilling because it’s so over-the-top it’s cartoonish. Still, Rollins does well as the gung-ho host and a few of the protagonists emerge as likable people worthy of surviving. Unfortunately, the most agreeable character is one of the first to buy the farm. I’m of course not taking about the annoying Kimberly Caldwell in the opening, although what happens to her is amusing in a “shocking” black humor kind of way. Petite Aleksa Palladino (Mara) stands out on the feminine front. Crystal Lowe (Elena) is alluring but her character is a loathsome skank. Erica Leerhsen (Nina), who was a highlight as the Wiccan lass in "Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2" (2000), still looks good, but has unfortunately lost weight and looks stick-like. The mutant hicks are well done, but most of them look like Klingons from Star Trek from back in the day, just uglier. While “Wrong Turn 2” has some entertainment value, it’s so excessive in its attempt to be revolting & amusing it loses impact. Less is more. The film runs 1 hour, 33 minutes, and was shot in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. GRADE: C
