On the railway track, which is the way to carry weapons to the war fronts, tulips grow inside the railway tracks. During her growth, the flower witnesses that the other flowers collide with the train before reaching their full growth.
On Halloween night, a shy high school artist must navigate social validation and the bittersweet lines of friendship and heartbreak.
The film follows three Vietnam war veterans in the post-war period, who happen to be well known Disney characters. This choice that combines with the aforementioned atmosphere creates a delectable piece of work.
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Takagi and Nishikata are in their final year of middle school, and have both anxiety and hope for the future. During the summer of their final year, on the day before summer vacation starts, the two find a kitten that they name Hana. They decide to take care of the kitten themselves until they can find its mother.
A dog crashes into a car while crossing the road, and the driver continues on his way regardless of the injured dog, until a car stops to help the dog. But he helps the dog in a special way.
The Fellowship of the Ring embark on a journey to destroy the One Ring and end Sauron's reign over Middle-earth.
Embark on a haunting journey with 'Threads,' a Claymation body horror directed by NOFAC3. After an exhausting day of stitching, Siouxzie falls asleep only to awaken to a horrifying reality—a parasite has invaded her body, multiplying and wriggling under her skin. In a desperate attempt to regain control of her own body, she resorts to a shockingly macabre solution – one that would forever redefine the delicate fabric of her existence.
In the form of a ballad, the wandering bard Peyo tells us about the blacksmith Ferris, who decides to become a knight and thus change his fate. The encounter with Smokie the dragon will help him make deep conclusions about his own life.
Twilight Park, a life size stop motion animated feature film about a boy Seraphim who along with Howie Heehaw; a rodeo show clown from Tibet, gets the chance to enter his narcoleptic/dementia addled Grandpa's mind and live out his past memories in order to save him.
Set in Han Imperial China, the plot follows the adventures of enslaved girl Ping with ancient dragon Long Danzi. Dragons had been banished from the kingdom. Ping, an orphan, finds one of the last remaining dragon eggs. Palace guards force Ping to run away in order to return the dragon egg to the ocean and save all dragons from extinction. Ping discovers that she is a true Dragonkeeper.
The world of 10-year old Nina has been in turmoil since her father lost his job. Despite weeks of strike, his factory closed down. The manager had tampered with the accounts and precipitated its collapse. But rumour has it that a nest-egg remains hidden somewhere in the factory. Nina and her friend Mehdi spring into action to help Nina’s dad out. This tale of our times, which is also a coming-of-age story, stages the interaction between the concerns of children and those of adults.
An advertisement for Tad Nightingale's "Family Annihilator Shotgun", which aired on WNN during the winter of 1997.
While trying to survive the chaos of the first day of school, new friends get to know each other through baking for the Welcome to School Festival.
Beyond the TV screen, one day, as the speaker observes women in a distant land struggling for their lives, he decides to be reborn together in a land of freedom where the risk of contamination by anyone's gaze is eliminated, after dedicating his hair to his remains.
Eric Leiser is an award-winning artist, filmmaker, animator, puppeteer, writer and holographer working in New York and born in California. This program is available on kinoscope.org
Yee-ha! Strawberry and her friends are in for some of the berry best fun in the west! Strawberry and Angel Cake take jobs at Berry Prairie Dude Ranch and turn out to be excellent little cowgirls! But when the two friends must compete to become "Best Ranch Hand," they lose sight of their responsibilities - and their horseback riding trail! Will they realize that being careful and listening to direction is more important than winning? More challenges gallop in when Purple Pie Man tries to put Carmel Corn's farm out of business so he can replace it with an amusement park - PieManLand! Hoping to help out, Strawberry and her pals put on a good old-fashioned country fair to earn enough money to keep their berry favorite farm in business.
A socially awkward teenager becomes an unwitting test subject for a scientist and develops destructive telekinetic powers.
The children of the Avengers hone their powers and go head to head with the very enemy responsible for their parents' demise.
Prince Philip, who longing to be with a prince of his own, must decide to follow the traditional tale or forge his own happily ever after.