The Brain

The pounding of the afterbrain signals vengeance and death!!

Science Fiction Crime Horror
83 min     5.567     1962     Germany


A millionaire businessman's brain is kept alive after a fatal accident, and communicates clues to a doctor on the trail of the killer


John Chard wrote:
Instrument of Terror! An adaptation of film noir legend Curt Siodmak's novel, Donovan's Brain, The Brain offers up a murder mystery narrative to go with the mad science angle. It's not particularly thrilling but it does tick along nicely and director Freddie Francis has a keen eye for scene staging. Cast features Peter Van Eyck, Anne Heywood, Cecil Parker and Bernard Lee, and they all do what is required to make the material work. Stand out moments involve some delightfully monstrous paintings, a lie detector scene and all the sequences where Van Eyck is possessed by the brain of the powerful industrialist who was murdered by person or persons unknown. Good and safe "B" schlocky fare for the so inclined. 6/10
