Chastity Bites

Who says the virgin always lives 'til the end?

Horror Comedy
93 min     4.3     2013     USA


Serial killer Countess Elizabeth Bathory believed that bathing in virgin blood would keep her young and beautiful forever. Still alive today, she's found a perfect hunting ground for her "botox" as an abstinence educator in conservative America...but will she finally be stopped by a brave young blogger and reporter for the high school paper?


GenerationofSwine wrote:
Poor Allison Scagliotti, she can actually act and gets handed a horrible script like that. Still, she made the film watchable, if not for the fact that she brought her A-Game to it, then just because she's simply dripping in fun, watchable, charisma. Unfortunately, that's not enough to save it. Most all the other actors were as flat as Illinois. What should have been a fun cliche movie was just hampered by a bad cast, horrible political diatribes that were supposed to be character development but just came across as extremely dated after only 6 years, and jokes that either didn't land because of the delivery or simply weren't funny to begin with. But...if you are an Allison Scagliotti fan, it's worth the watch if for no reason than to pray that she lands better roles.
