Wyoming Outlaw

$10,000 REWARD! For the capture of Will Parker, the most desperate killer that ever rode the Western plains.

56 min     5.6     1939     USA


Will Parker has been destroyed by a local politician and now must steal to feed his family. He steals a steer from the Three Mesquiteers.


CinemaSerf wrote:
Interestingly for this routine B-feature, the usual "Three Mesquiteer" characters are not really at the centre of the plot. The story belongs more to 'Red' Barry ("Parker") whose father has been deceived by a crooked politician and so his son ends up having to steal to feed himself and his family. It's when he pinches a cow from Messrs. Wayne, Corrigan and Hatton that the story starts to hot up a bit and, of course, they try to redress the balance for him and his sister "Irene" (Pamela Blake). It's takes a while to get going, this one - but once the scenario has been defined, it moves along nicely with a little more chemistry between Wayne and his female co-star than we are used to. "Ming" himself, Charles Middleton appears sparingly as the hard-done-by father, and LeRoy Mason is adequate - though nothing more - as "Balsinger" - the devious villain of the piece. The film aims squarely at some of the "New Deal" policies of post WWI US governments where opportunists frequently ended up with the whip hand over those who had worked hard during the war feeding the troops, but whose services were now surplus to requirements and they were left very vulnerable to pretty ruthless exploitation.
