Writer-director Ava DuVernay's short drama concerns a poor, struggling single mother whose trip with her three children to a 99-cent store in Los Angeles becomes an unexpectedly uplifting family experience. Melissa DeSousa ("The Best Man") stars.
Story about the cow with the crumpled horn that tossed the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.
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Sombres Héros
Deep in the Lake – Vanities
Yamin and his struggles with loneliness and isolation. His little brother, Dhamin, helps him to find some solace through their shared love of drawing. However, Yamin still feels the need to leave and find his own way in the end. It's a touching story about the power of connection and creativity.
Two astronauts fight for survival and the chance to return home, after their ship suffers a water leak.
It has been a year since Tod's death, yet Pla Thong still cannot move on.
A scientist has been attacked and a secret recipe stolen, so a private detective duo is hired to unravel the mystery.
In Ultimate Fails Compilation a group of 12-year-old boys challenge each other to daring stunts, which they film and post online. The film is inspired by the Internet phenomenon with the same name.
Xiao Hei, a little carp, jumps over the bridge pier and gets cheers from his four friends. His grandma says that he is capable only if he can jump over the Dragon Gate like his ancestors did.
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Le carnet
To kill time during a weekend, Makina the cyborg and Chiharu the super human decide to go for a drive. Wherever those troublesome friends drive, there is always a danger! Not smart, not tear-jerking, not touching. The only two words that can describe this discount cyberpunk story is Speedy and Unprecedented!!
The magical tale of a mouse who sets foot on a woodland adventure in search of a nut. Encountering predators who all wish to eat him - Fox, Owl and Snake - the brave mouse creates a terrifying, imaginary monster to frighten them away. But what will the mouse do when he meets this frightful monster for real?
Ion is a seemingly normal guy whose life goes by without a hitch. A phone call; a meeting with a friend; small, unimportant everyday situations. One day he gets into a car with two other people. They cross the border between Spain and France. The next morning, their lives will change forever.
Guillaume kills Horacio "because he was shouting too loud." At his trial, the vacuity of the motive disconcerts. During his 10-year-long stay in prison, Guillaume gradually forgets this story of a guy shouting too loud which convinces no one. When he gets out, someone starts shouting again.