The documentary explores Zuckerberg's journey from a Harvard student to founder and CEO of Facebook. Two decades after Facebook was established, a feature-length documentary tells the inside story of the events that shaped Mark Zuckerberg's life and career, and the impact they have had on people's lives. Told through testimony from key figures and archive footage, Zuckerberg: King of the Metaverse looks at the rise of the world's youngest billionaire.
A man is released from prison after 22 years. He tries to live a simple life as a farmer. At the same time, a company director is fighting a hostile takeover from a bigger corporation. Two different kind of journeys collide in sudden ways.
Sequel to "Falla Girare". An hacker attack has caused the disappearance of the internet and our heroes who brought marijuana back to the world are once again called upon to save it…
Two cynical and bored nurses break the monotony of the endless night shifts by betting on the resistance of an elderly patient.
A year after loosing his family in an accident, Gunnar decides to honor their memory by walking to the place they died. On his way he meets Ewa, a young, Polish woman running away from her past.
A lonely man, who spends all his time watching films, finds a way to get his hands on a copy of the lost film Cleopatra (1917), but will he be able to pay the price?
Haunted by recurring nightmares, a weary cowboy looks to the Bible for solace. Jaxon Whittington directs “Pink Wings,” a pulpy, mysterious fever-dream filled with religious imagery and 'west coast drifter' style. In a black and red dress and white cowboy boots, a young woman listens as her grandfather tells the story of his repeating nightmare — driving through Malibu Canyon, he spots a bloodied man screaming for help on the side of the road, and in an instant, must decide whether to help or flee. The dream comes in various forms but the cowboy can’t shake the images from his head, even in waking life. Later, when Ruby goes to see her mother, a hidden truth about the dream comes to light. Brimming with Lynchian atmosphere, Whittington’s film is intriguing and melodramatic, built around two striking characters captured in vivid color.
In 1894, Gabriel, an ambitious medicine graduate, spends his summer learning from the renowned Doctor Fidalgo in his isolated Mansion. Upon developing a lustful admiration for Fidalgo's wife, the young doctor is forced to break his morals.
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Two twisted friends up against the clock must compete for money...or their lives.
Un fil à la patte
After the tragic suicide of his sister, Joel pushes others away in hopes of not losing anyone else. Meanwhile, his girlfriend, Rose, begins seeing visions of Sidney follow her around.
Takarazuka Revue Snow Troupe 1996 production of the Viennese musical 'Elisabeth'. This was the Revue Company's first 'Elisabeth' production.
Violet Becker is a real estate agent alongside her two best friends. When one of them dies at an open house, Violet is suspicious about the circumstances and looks into her friend's life; she discovers Laney had many secrets.
A haunted woman named Ida journeys from Germany to Jordan, to an eerie and deserted port town on the Red Sea where her partner, Ismail, recently disappeared. Wandering through desolate bars, hotels, and offices, Ida attempts to feel Ismail’s presence one last time and to say goodbye.
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