Cold Eyes

Remember everything about the untraceable target.

Crime Action Thriller
119 min     7.538     2013     Hong Kong


Ha Yoon-ju becomes the newest member of a unit within the Korean Police Forces Special Crime Department that specializes in surveillance activities on high-profile criminals. She teams up with Hwang Sang-jun, the veteran leader of the unit, and tries to track down James who is the cold-hearted leader of an armed criminal organization.


MovieGuys wrote:
Silly but serviceable, Cold Eyes offers up a watchable mix of action, thriller and crime drama. This is backed up good cast chemistry and well crafted, if somewhat implausible, characterisations. Definitely worth a look by Western viewers, if you don't mind subtitles or are fortunate enough, to speak Korean. .
Chanarmasourous wrote:
It is a must watch, do watch it once at least. The acting is superb. Just started watching Korean movies and figured out that I was missing on a whole lot! I give it 7 star, would've given it a 10 but I'm biased in movies like this and the ending didn't meet my personal expectations. otherwise I do suggest to watch.
