A story of a child's dream of the world of Pokémon. While his father works, the son explores the worlds of Pokémon throught he father's old collection of Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS games and, as he does so, builds a bond with his father.
A synthesis of sound and movement; colourful characters dance and move in repetitive patterns to percussive and melodic elements. A combination of motion and music that is hypnotic and beautiful. At first it feels structured and orderly but as more elements are added becomes quixotically expressive.
Screen song by the Fleischer Studios
Hôtel Royal Poinciana
On a late night train travelling across India, a young man starts to let his nerves get the better of him as he becomes convinced that the shadowy man sitting opposite him is someone who intends to blow up the train with a suitcase bomb.
Tootsie and Taffy are competitive siblings who already fight for everything and have trouble sharing. While playing cards, they decide to make the game interesting by putting candy on the line.
La théorie Lauzon
A trollish child left to be raised in a hostile human village clashes with a town bully and runs away to the forest. When her adoptive mother is kidnapped by a forest beast, Troll Girl is forced to confront the danger and the town’s prejudice head-on.
A young man sees someone smoking and decides to deal with him.
As an homage to early Hollywood, this film showcases that the concept and purpose of special effects has not changed throughout its many years of use. Though the majority of techniques have gone digital, VFX continues to dissolve the boundaries between reality and illusion, immersing audiences within stories.
In a city ravaged by war and famine where there is nothing but wreckage and corpses, a bird struggles to find food for its hungry chickens. But nothing is easy as it seems to be.
War, loneliness, nature, journeys, fallen dreams are some of the recurring aspects in this animated poem on paper.
The film addresses the great theme of humanity’s self-destruction. A wanderer hero takes us as stowaways, on a poetic odyssey, a pelagic drift through an infinite universe forever marked by our disrupting actions.
Uncle Au is a usual wood goblin loving to frighten and misbehave. Once he woke up and surprised, how the world changed around. And even children now are not afraid of him.
Carrots are good for your eyes. Maybe too good.
Bad fortune has deported a ballet dancer Sergei to a suburban kolkhoz. Here he's having his mundane fights against routine, domestic animals and alcohol.
A heartfelt depiction of a man facing his own mortality while reflecting on the grave mistakes of his youth.
People with learning disabilities often experience worse physical and mental health. This film is a starting point to address these inequalities.
Wile E. Coyote's plans for catching the Road Runner involve a giant elastic spring, a gun and trampoline, TNT sticks in a barrel, and tornado seeds.