
Man has finally over stepped his bounds, and nature is fighting back.

Horror Comedy
88 min     3.091     2006     USA


Something monstrous is slaughtering deer in the marshlands of Ohio, leaving them torn to shreds. Authorities believe it to be the work of a bear, but army veteran Jack Sullivan knows the truth. He has heard the creature’s name, but nothing can prepare him for the disturbing reality of BIGFOOT. The original monster of American folklore, Bob Gray’s Bigfoot is more savage, relentless, and bloodthirsty than he’s ever been before. The deer were just the beginning. He’s saving his ultimate wrath for the men who enter his domain.


Wuchak wrote:
***Bigfoot is loose in the marshes/woods near Lake Erie, Ohio*** When mutilated deer are repeatedly discovered with their kidneys removed in Mentor, Ohio, the rumor increases that it’s due to a Sasquatch creature in the area. Made in 2005, the creatively titled “Bigfoot” isn't a 'B' movie, as some have called it; it's a 'C' movie being that it's a spare-change Indie that only cost $40,000. But it’s pretty good for what it is. As long as you can appreciate micro-budget affairs, it delivers; except for the showdown with the creature at the climax, which has some problems. Director/writer Bob Gray also co-stars as likable Sheriff Bob. He knows how to do drama and gore, but action is not his forte. Other than that, I felt like I knew the main characters and cared about them and their relationships. While obviously not professional actors, the cast is quite serviceable. The creature looks formidable and is decidedly malevolent; not to mention the gore is well done. There’s even a quality brunette respectfully spotlighted in the parade scene. The film runs 1 hour, 23 minutes; and was shot in Mentor & Grand River, Ohio. GRADE: C+/B- (keeping in mind that it’s a mircro-budget flick)
