Switching Channels

There's a lot more going on around here than news, weather, and sports.

105 min     6.1     1988     USA


A television news chief courts his anchorwoman ex-wife with an eleventh-hour story.


kevin2019 wrote:
"Switching Channels" endeavours to recreate the sparkling and quick witted energy of the classic fast paced screwball comedies that dominated cinemas for years and in this respect it is considerably successful in doing so. The pace never slows down and it is very entertaining when the whole film takes an unexpected turn after Ike Roscoe engineers his escape from the electric chair and there is plenty of comedic byplay to enjoy around the office photocopying machine where he is hiding. The comedy works tremendously well in this film as do all the other elements which could have resulted in a very uneven film (especially when dealing with the politically ambitious Roy Ridnitz), but fortunately this is never allowed to happen in a film which is a wonderful slice of entertainment that works incredibly well throughout with memorable results.
