The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby

Channel Four International

Drama TV Movie
200 min     7.9     2001     United Kingdom


Adaptation of the Dickens novel.


Peter McGinn wrote:
I am sure this is a credible interpretation of the Disney classic. It feels Dickensian, but it has been many years since I read the book. I liked the look of the movie, the grime n\and poverty of London, the country scenery. The acting was fine. I thought a few of the characters were little more than stereotypical cliches, but that might be Dickensian also, always an eye towards exaggeration. I would have liked to see more depth in some of the minor characters, and the plight of those school kids - you know = the ones left behind when Nicholas fled with Smyke in tow. What happened to those kids? I know, I know; the book didn’t cover it, but I dearly wish that school had been broken up in the end, with some consequences for Mr. Squeers. Ah well, guess I should write my own damn script. But setting my pickiness aside, it enjoyed most of the movie (he said grudgingly.)
