The true story of Isha Sensei, the only doctor in her hometown Oisawa Village (now Oisawa, Nishikawa Town) in Yamagata Prefecture, a remote area at the time, where there was no doctor.
Nothing is as it seems when a woman experiencing misgivings about her new boyfriend joins him on a road trip to meet his parents at their remote farm.
A medical team is dispatched to the patients on a helicopter to provide medical care in the field as soon as possible. One day, four young physicians are assigned to this latest medical system. The doctors experience traumatic medical situations, deal with personal ambitions, witness the fragility of life, and they grow personally and professionally.
A man unknowingly falls madly in love with the fiancé of a close friend who has twice saved his life.
Luigi Liberio Pensuti (Roma 1903 – Molteno 1945) was one of the fathers of Italian animation. From 1930 to 1940 he worked on a long and important national prevention campaign against the scourge of tuberculosis, realising a few films among which La taverna del Tibiccì.
A precious animated short from the pioneer of Italian animation Liberio Pensuti, commissioned by the Italian National Fascist Federation against Tuberculosis (Federazione Italiana Nazionale fascista per la lotta contro la tubercolosi), part of a massive awareness campaign enacted from 1930 to 1940.
On a magical Tuesday night, a group of frogs take off on a journey through the nearby neighborhood.
A school physician whose son is being bullied at school finds that he must conduct a routine medical examination of one of his son's chief tormentors.
A surreal musical exploring the problems of the multicultural residents in a Notting Hill boarding house.
A renowned Mexican journalist and documentary filmmaker living in Los Angeles, after being named the recipient of a prestigious international award, is compelled to return to his native country, unaware that this simple trip will push him to an existential limit.
When Anna Wyncomb is introduced to an underground, all-female fight club in order to turn the mess of her life around, she discovers she is much more personally connected to the history of the club than she could ever imagine.
Hosny suffers from terrifying nightmares, so he resorts to a psychiatrist to help him
A woman claims she had an affair with a married neurosurgeon and stands trial for allegedly harassing him.
A young doctor escapes the slums of New York City to make his fortune as a Park Avenue doctor. When a fatal mistake results in tragedy his resolve to continue working is severely tested. Based on a novel by Fannie Hurst.
If a girl crosses the border between her internal and external reality and no one is around to see it, does this animated short really exist?
A high school senior from South Carolina gets her first glimpse of the wider world, picturesque cities, and woods of the Eastern seaboard on a class trip to Washington, D.C.
An inventor builds a homemade spacecraft, and uses it to have various adventures, including peeping at women, visiting ‘human’ planets, and becoming involved in intergalactic warfare.
A construction worker destroys Bugs' home with a steam shovel and refuses to repair the damage.
Faithful dog Rusty helps his master's father win a mayoral race.