The strange story of a flower girl and a scarecrow who fall in love, move to the big city and become the victims of their own greed.
I seriously doubt anyone will ever see this film. It has never been shown on TV, not even in Belgium, and it does not exist on VHS or on DVD. And we should all be very thankful for that. "Waar de vogeltjes hoesten" ( = Where the birds are coughing)is probably THE most brainless nonsense ever unleashed upon mankind. The storyline is ludicrous, a cardboard box has more talent than the actors, the dancing is god-awful, and what are supposed to be songs are brain-dead lyrics put to infantile music. The director clearly had not got a clue as to what he was doing, which is even enhanced (if this was possible) by the clumsy editing. This film will never ever appear in anyone's "Worst Ever" list because only a few people ever saw it. Should you ever get the chance to see it, avoid it....or feast your eyes on this lame mess. Makes "Plan 9 from Outer Space" look like Citizen Kane ! (written by ekydoow: http://www.imdb.com/user/ur12849206/?ref_=tt_urv)