Captains of the Clouds

So full of spectacle and glory it had to be made in Technicolor!

Action War
114 min     6.6     1942     USA


Inspired by Churchill's Dunkirk speech, brash, undisciplined Canadian bush pilot Brian MacLean and three friends enlist in the RCAF.


talisencrw wrote:
It was a coincidence, this being Remembrance Day, that I threw on this selection from the James Cagney Signature Collection DVD boxed set, and it's weird that this Hollywood film came out as a tribute to the Royal Canadian Air Force. Really unique as a war film, and I loved Billy Bishop's cameo, in his full title, giving out 'wings' to those fortunate pilots who successfully passed RCAF training. Especially recommended for fans either of James Cagney or war films in general.
Finetunes wrote:
Wow, you got to see this on Blu-ray, fantastic photography, crisp and the colors just pop out. The obvious question is where were the fighter escorts that should have met them at the end.
