The Giant Claw

Flying beast out of prehistoric skies!

Science Fiction Horror
74 min     4.8     1957     USA


Global panic ensues when it is revealed that a mysterious UFO is actually a giant turkey-like bird that flies at supersonic speed and has no regard for life or architecture.


CinemaSerf wrote:
I'm not sure that if I'd been involved in this that I've have taken a credit at all, much less one of the multitude of big block capital ones that top this Kentucky Fried flop. It's all about planes that go missing - but radar can shed no light on the disappearances. Luckily, Jeff Morrow made it back to this island earth and together with "Sally" (Mara Corday) is trying to sort out the mystery for "Gen. Considine" (Morris Ankrum). Luckily, they have some balloons (the inflatable types not the writers) and they show us just what's been pecking at the USAF. Moreover, it appears to be extra-terrestrial and have some sort of radar bending ability so it can maraud at will, immune to everything the military can throw at it. What is it doing here? Has it a nefarious plan? I was surprised to see Morrow in this. He was never very good, but this is below the belt for just about everyone charged with delivering a terribly weak story supported by some frankly hilarious and not very special effects. If any Brits are watching they might remember Rod Hull and his "emu". This is reminiscent of that and really not worth the effort for an overlong seventy five minutes that could easily have been cut to fifteen.
