The story of two teenage extraterrestrial refugees from the planet Pluto, who escape to Earth after their planet is destroyed by the US government, as it was deemed “insignificant.” For many years prior, tensions between the Plutonians and the Earthlings had seen a steady incline, as Pluto held camps where Earthlings were experimented on and tortured. The two aliens make their crash landing, undertake human form and undergo the aliases “Hugh Jainus” and “E. Rection”. In an effort to wage revenge on the nation, with their brainwashed sidekick Potator under their wing, the trio hijack television stations worldwide and broadcast mind-numbingly stupid and ridiculous, yet insane and often violent programs to dumb down and distract the nation’s citizens from their devious plans. The tube tells the story...
A collection of Trailers from Low Budget Underground Horror Movies from across the globe
An ordinary schoolgirl's life unravels after an evil creature takes over her body. Only her mother, with the help of a strange doctor, will be able to save her.
Tenth exploitation anthology from the twisted minds of established and up and coming directors from across the globe.
In the sequel to the parody trailer, Nick Donner is back and bigger than before. Exhausted by his career as both a rank-climbing law enforcer and the icon of the holidays, Donner sweeps numerous criminal chases under the rug with intents of lightening his doubled work load. When the crime rate - and, by extension, the notorious naughty list - boil to the surface, the action explodes as Donner takes on the corrupted police force and his iron-fisted business affiliates!
Set in the near future, Pokemon battles have been outlawed and forced underground where they resemble dog fights. Crime Syndicate, Team Rocket threatens Misty and Professor Oak forcing Ash to throw a match. After doing so, Ash changes his mind and all out Pokewar between Ash and Team Rocket begins.
An upright priest, disliked the corrupt upper echelons of V.A.T.I.C.A.N.O., is imprisoned, tortured and sentenced to certain death. But by divine intercession he'd be able to save himself: once put back on track, and trained in the martial arts by an eccentric monk, he will take revenge in a crescendo of disproportionate violence.
A battle between Good and Evil from the realm of the Ancient Aztecs. A detective is searching for a man who killed his daughter in an orgy of blood. The killer is trying to bring back an ancient Aztec god to rule the world. Caught in the middle is Lisa, a beautiful young woman with a heritage she doesn't care about much less comprehend. The circle of life and death is about to come to a crashing halt in the upcoming film DEPARTYD.
In a distant world ruled by a queer dictatorship, a non-binary couple's decision to marry challenges societal norms, blurring the lines of gender and love in a universe where inversions are the norm and limitations are mere illusions.
The final entry in the "Grindsploitation" series of anthology horror films, featuring fake trailers presented by both established and fresh genre faces.
A college student searches for justice after she discovers deepfake pornography of herself circulating online.
Demons use a woman to open the gates to Demonitron, the sixth dimension.
A faux trailer for a 1950s-style haunted house film.
A faux 1950s trailer for a sci-fi film in which the crew of a runaway rocket lands on a lost world and encounters a hideous alien menace.
A group of friends decide to stay overnight in an abandoned theatre... only to find it overrun with zombies!
Science fiction computer animation.
In a tiny house in the town of Destor, near Rouyn-Noranda on Highway 101 North, Scott, a repeat ex-con in his fifties, lives quietly with Jessie, his girlfriend 23 years his junior. He spends his time meditating and doing 3D puzzles while Jessie spends hers collecting dolphin figures, dancing to “Summer Love” and smoking weed. Wanting to make a documentary on Scott’s social reintegration, social worker Anick moves in to their house for a few days. While the shoot starts off smoothly, with several funny and touching interviews of Scott and Jessie, things quickly derail. Anick seems more interested in Jessie than Scott. The documentary’s subjectivity is quickly replaced by a growing attraction between Anick and Jessie. The continuous presence of the filmmaker in the enclosed space, coupled with the exasperation Scott feels at being constantly recorded, is causing the pressure to escalate. Scott could lose it at any time.
A mad scientist invents a formula to control Puerto Rico. A little pig named Chona drinks water from a pond contaminated with the formula and grows to gigantic proportions, chasing and killing people.
The boys are victims of a sinister game where the girls pretend to go steady, then dumps them.
In order to raise funds to pay off a lawsuit, Dominicans and Puerto Ricans get together to set up a circus.