Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on the history of Japan continues with an episode episode on the Imjin War - the Japanese Invasion of Korea between 1592 and 1598, during which the armies of the Shogunate fought against the allied Korean and Chinese armies. This conflict is famous for many dramatic battles and sieges, and the naval heroics of the Korean admiral Yi Sun-sin.
Logistics or Logistics Art Project is an experimental art film. At 51,420 minutes (857 hours or 35 days and 17 hours), it is the longest movie ever made. A 37 day-long road movie in the true sense of the meaning. The work is about Time and Consumption. It brings to the fore what is often forgotten in our digital, ostensibly fast-paced world: the slow, physical freight transportation that underpins our economic reality.
Billy and Jay, friends since kids and now beat down with life, go on an adventure to track down Billy's original NES gaming system in order to play it one more time.
Two words: Unicorn. Physician
Max "Adlersson" Herzberg, 20 years of age, from Dresden decided not to spend his life working. Ever since, he reviews knives and other products, unboxes limited fan editions of mainly gangsta rap albums, gives talks about himself, drinks, swears and bawls in town, humiliates others, cracks borderline jokes and crosses every boundary he sees - Max is a YouTube creator and makes a decent living off of it. Most of Max's friends have their own channels on YouTube, some even quite successfully. Max and his gang are dubious role models but without a doubt, they are celebrities of their generation having more than 300.000 active fans. Is Max a violence-glorifying influencer with far-right tendencies or a usual adolescent, just trying to find himself and happens to be born into a time where the lines between private life and public self-display are blurring? He might be both, possibly without being overly aware of it.
A group of friends decide to take a weekend at an unknown residence. During their stay they begin to discover that the house holds terrifying secrets and a dark past.
When Casey Neistat first sat down to interview YouTube sensation, David Dobrik, neither of them knew they were about to capture one of the most precipitous rise and falls in the history of the internet... in real-time. David, protected by the belief that he’s just a kid with a camera, has constantly assumed risks. Even as a story of a sexual assault breaks, he’s busy covering up a near-lethal accident caught on film, intended to be entertainment. In the real world, these kinds of actions have life-changing consequences, but in the gold rush ecosystem of Social Media influence, the audience decides who succeeds, and who gets banished forever.
A documentary on how composer Kevin MacLeod unwittingly became one of the most heard composers in the world by releasing thousands of songs for free.
A social drama about two brothers, Jean-Phi and Xav, that will help each other towards adversity. Jean-phi deals with a weird trouble that makes him sleep all the time anywhere while Xav can't meet any new girls because is still in love of his ex-girlfriend : the beautiful Stacy.
When the star-ship Invincible II seemingly becomes trapped in an inescapable time loop, it is up to you, its captain, to save the entire crew and the multiverse.
An intimate reflection on life in the digital age and Seán McLoughlin's journey through the highest highs - chanting crowds, sold out shows, and marriage proposals - and lowest lows - grappling with loneliness in the harsh Irish winter - and the life and wonder in between.
Two stoner best friends, Owen and Norm, are absolutely zooted in a cemetary when the zombie apocolypse begins! Now, they must figure out how to get home while battling hoards of zombies, the struggles of friendship, and an insane high.
Dan and Phil’s stage show "The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire" comes to YouTube as a live performance movie on October 5th! Inspired by the best of their videos, live and interactive with a real audience—along with some surprises you’ll never see coming.
If you had a Time Machine, would you go back into the past to relive a memory or change an event? Or would you go into the future to f*@! your best friend's kid?
A documentary about MOD SUN.
Norman, one of France's longest-running YouTube stars, returns to the stage for his second French stand-up tour, after testing his jokes out for months and "maturing".
Rafael, a 19-year-old young man, has just gone through a romantic breakup, and readjusting to his life as a single person will be a particularly difficult challenge as he is being haunted by memories of his ex-girlfriend, Luna.
A fanmade shot by shot remake of the movie "Blue Shell Incident" by Vargskelethor Joel from Vinesauce, worked on for over a year by +100 creators.
Evil in Tokyo is on the rise and heroes have become a common commodity just out for fame and glory. Washed out anti-hero Gun Caliber is summoned to save Tokyo from the forces of Evil.
FinalClash - The Movie