Words on Bathroom Walls is the story of an eccentric, witty, and rather arrogant Adam (Charlie Plummer), who lives in his own world. Even though he seems to be a very typical young man – a little untidy because of the raging hormones and intense excitement from the unpredictability of the present and the future – the hero of the film dreams of becoming a chef and strives to fulfill his cherished dream, showing the zeal of an adult and mature man.
A cuisine-obsessed kid tests his new recipes on his mother, and cooking for him is a way to quiet the voices he began hearing a few years ago.
In his last year of study, Adam becomes an unwitting participant in an incident that happened during a chemistry experiment. Because of this, he finds himself in a psychoanalyst's office, who is confident that his patient is suffering from a rare mental illness, schizophrenia.
After the incident, Adam goes to the Catholic Academy, where he will complete his studies. But this becomes extremely difficult for him because of the inability to adapt to changing conditions. The dreamer from the movie Words on Bathroom Walls hopes that he will be able to keep his illness a secret from the new environment until he becomes a professional cook.
Stories about teenagers are compelling their struggles are universal. Adding mental illness to the story provides another level of pressure and confusion. But at its core, Words on Bathroom Walls is a story about what all teenagers want: to be independent, to have satisfying work, and to love and be loved.