Three aspiring young Japanese models are on their very first fashion shoot at an abandoned school one hot summer day. Without warning, strange events begin occurring around the set that causes the models and photo crew to question their sanity, as one by one they begin to die agonizing and painful deaths that are seemingly caused by none other than themselves.
Nearly one in ten Czechs over the age of 15 face some form of distraint, under which their property is seized because of money they owe. Every day, more and more people fall into the debt trap, but Karel is on the other side of the barricade – it is his job to collect their debts.
An Asian-American high school football player is forced to confront his deepest fears after a strange encounter with a mysterious figure.
Tired of his turbulent family life, Adam seeks out an alternative arrangement in hopes of finding his place.
Noah battles to overcome his grief at the death of his mother, a journey that takes him from his flat to beyond the stars. An animation in stop-motion and oil paint.
Clemente is an old Sicilian fisherman who goes on working in spite of his late age. His life is disrupted the day he finds a young refugee’s dead body stuck in the fishing nets.
For old Margaret, who lives alone, unexpected and tragic news bring positive change in her life. Doctors predict that she has only a few months left, but she starts to live again just now.
Roadkill is a stop-motion animated thriller. One alpha male deer goes for an evening car ride and has an unfortunate car accident.
A Vietnamese-American household receives a surprise visit from a long-lost patriarch after he fails at a get-rich-quick scheme.
Reonghee and I are illegal aliens. Yesterday, Reonghee died while running away from the Immigrant Office Agents. The company we worked for is only concerned about covering up the mess. I'm going to find Reonghee, whose body the company has hidden somewhere, and give her a funeral that she deserves.
Two investigators, Jamal Johnquin and Jarious Goldbug have sought after a beast known as the "Simple Dimple." It is known to eat humans and it is very dangerous.
A bordertown detective who is trying to stop a rampaging Chupacabra, until another detective is brought in to investigate.
I didn't worry about it, until the symptoms got worse. The doctors said I had no cure, I'd be sick for the rest of my life. I wish they had been right.
After a brief visit with the neighborhood flower vendor, a vibrant young man searches for his true love Norma, only to deliver a bouquet of terror to an unsuspecting young woman.
Rina wants to tell her best friend, Eli, about her arranged marriage, by dating her on the last night they could be together.
A young man discovers holes in his hands, which he soon realises are spreading.
We're in the year 2023, and the world seems open and enlightened. At least, it appears that way. Millions of people from other countries live among us, trying to find their way, fulfill their dreams, and advance in their careers. But for refugees, it's not that simple. In the short film Inside the box, we explore social injustices, prejudices against foreign fellow citizens, and the German passport, which is believed to make everything better.
An overworked and arrogant lawyer describes the terrifying incident he has just experienced on his drive home from the office... but his night may not be over yet.
This is a poetic film set in the times of Lenin's NEP. A ballet dancer steals a brooch and gives it as a present to another dancer. This is a crime of passion. A mysterious black ball is after the heroine. She runs away from it and manages to give the brooch in an exquisite pirouette movement, as shiny as diamond facets. What gives a stone its dazzling luster are its polished facets. But the real gem is love, and it's much harder to get than any diamond in the world.