Love and Monsters is a 2020 American monster adventure film conceived as a teenage post-apocalyptic comedy with romantic elements, something like a mix of Mad Max and Zombieland interspersed with 80-90s family tapes. Well, that's about how it turned out in the end.
After the destruction of an asteroid headed for Earth, the chemical fallout causes all cold-blooded animals to mutate into gigantic monsters. During Fairfield's evacuation, Joel Dawson is separated from his girlfriend Aimee but promises to find her. Seven years after the end of the world passed, when Joel decides to finally get to the surface and go to Amy's hideout located 140 km from his bunker. He will live on the surface for seven days.
Love and Monsters is a very predictable movie, and if you've watched at least a couple of post-apocalyptic comedies, you can easily guess what will happen in each next moment.