A veteran hitman who has failed his job and returns to his hometown of Okinawa to escape from the organization's pursuit. Decades later, in Okinawa, he meets his nephew, a beautiful young man. He falls in love with the young man, but eventually the organization follows him to Okinawa and starts closing in on them...
Naomi Tani plays bar-owner Aki, whose entire world appears to be crumbing whenever she discovers her husband is having an affair along with her own mama. Truly the only individual she can trust is Iwasaki, the woman club supervisor. One time, she asks Iwasaki to accompay her to a company meeting with a trader Hanamatsu, the owner of a mannequin factory. At the warehouse, Miss Aki is abnormally aroused when she sees Hanamatsu toching the mannequins. She allows by herself to be seduced by the businessman…
A beautiful young ballet dancer is accepted into a prestigious and exclusive dance academy. Overjoyed at the opportunity to further her career and repair her relationship with her boyfriend, she soon discovers that the academy has a dark side to it--and she may not be able to escape it.
An obscure Nikkatsu Roman Porno movie.
With the death of her father, a daughter reluctantly returns to the family temple hidden in the mist covered mountains where dark and forbidden secrets dwell.
A young couple with marital problems are beset by an office lady temptress, amorous paramours and the swingers next door.
A young woman wanders aimlessly around a beach resort and has sex with various men.
Asako, who has been married for eight years and has no children, is dissatisfied with her husband who comes home late every night, but she lives peacefully with him after he stops his unfaithful habit. However, a man she meets at a bowling alley with her neighbor Michiko and a beautiful woman who Asako's husband is interested in, cause changes in their lives.
Shinji is a middle-aged, sleaze film director who used to be famous. He hardly goes back home and moves from one woman to another. In spite of his idleness, women are very fond of him and look after him compassionately for whatever reason.
On the sand dunes at dusk, the hot and soothing sand is misty, and he abandons his father's morals for an unforgivable "love." Two handsome half-brothers fall in love...a tragic story.
Two young men meet as fate would have it. They loved each other. However, perhaps due to fate, the two are about to be separated again. The two plan to die...
Aoi (Miri Mizuki), a new wife, married Kitajima, the brother of Sayaka (Mai Tamaki), a former colleague at work, and the president of a venture company. Aoi, who was a mediocre office lady, was excited to have sex with her energetic husband who asked for it every night, but she secretly hated sex because of the trauma she received during her adolescence. One day, Aoi had a problem with his neighbor Yoshie (Rin Ogawa) about how to put out the trash, but on the contrary, he was invited to a meal. And Aoi, who suddenly got drunk while enjoying Yoshie's cooking, fell asleep...
A daughter returns home to her ailing adopted father. A home that has a violent past, missing money and a tragic misunderstanding.
Three schoolgirls are in a hurry to lose their virginity, rushing headlong into ridiculous sexual escapades.
A schoolgirl is desperate to lose her virginity after witnessing a fellow student and her attractive gym teacher having a heated moment in a storage room. She pursues and engages with an older man and the cute boy next door. Will she find what she's looking for?
1979 Nikkatsu Roman Porno film. Senkichi, a middle-aged salaryman, started to feel lonely just by repaying a mortgage. This black humor Roman Porno depicts him with a subtle touch as he tries to gain sex freedom from his wife. Based on a novella by Akio Jissoji.
A female professional golfer who was banished on suspicion of being addicted to stimulants now works the golf courses as a hustler.
Under a full moon near a highway bridge a woman has sex with her boyfriend during her period. Unfortunately the boyfriend is accidentally killed by a flying pop bottle from a passing delivery truck. This triggers a story of bloody revenge.
A sensual drama depicting a man who lives like a pimp with his wife and three other women.
Wakazuma nikki: Modaeru