This bittersweet comedy follows North-east Indians in Delhi who are attempting to organize a wedding party, but soon find everything going wrong.
Axone (Akhuni; a Naga dish with a pungent smell) snuck up on me, giving me weird feelings and a lot to think about. It's a simple story of a group of friends from Nagaland and other parts of Northeast India living as paying guests in Delhi. They are trying to prepare the dish for their friend on her special occasion, which is hindered by a variety of issues, ranging from catcalling to discrimination. It does get uncomfortable at times and that is the essence of watching Axone; it hits you because what it shows you is true. Delightful performances (and a bubbly Sayani Gupta in perhaps her best role so far), excellent background music with a tinge of NE cultural music, and a linear screenplay makes it a very good watch. I highly recommend it. (Grade B). TN.