The Banker is a drama film directed and produced by George Nolfi. The film is based on real events in the 1950s and 1960s in America when racism was not eradicated in most states.
The main character, Bernard Garrett, was born in Texas, where he, like other black people, was treated with disdain. After becoming a realtor with banking expertise, Bernard moved with his family to California, hoping for a better chance at real estate. The hero was right, but to become truly successful, he needs to go for tricks and not show the bankers the color of his skin. To implement this plan, the hero has to enlist the nightclub Joe Morris owner's support, and together with him turns out a cunning scam.
First of all, the film is liked by the shooting style and color rendition, reminiscent of old paintings. How the story is told is also old-fashioned, which makes it good. We gradually watch the realtor Bernard Garrett, see evidence of his sharp mind, and after a long introduction, we move on to the most important - the reason why he became a legend in the real estate industry when no black people could do.
With well-chosen actors and costume designers, watching The Banker is easy and fun, even if there are financial discussions in the scenes.