The story continues from the Japanese SIGNAL drama series. In 2021, a limousine taxi driver causes an accident on a highway, and a high-level government official dies in the accident. The cold case investigation unit, including Kento Saegusa and team leader Misaki Sakurai, have doubts about the case. Meanwhile, in 2009, administrative officers die consecutively in car accidents. The police announce these deaths as accidents. Takeshi Ōyama believes that these deaths were not the product of simple accidents. At 11:23 pm, a walkie-talkie turns on and makes a connection between the future and past. Kento Saegusa and Takeshi Ōyama face the threat of bioterrorism.
An experimental visual piece delving into concepts like afterlife and existence in an abstract but accessible way.
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A man who suspects his wife is cheating on him begins having nightmarish visions of an evil presence that he believes inhabits his house.
'The Angel Maker' is a psychological crime thriller following Laura, a cyber crimes detective pursuing a brutal serial killer.
When a girl's body is found on a beach in Poland's Tricity, a prosecutor teams up with the victim's mother on an impassioned quest for the truth.
A mystery is afoot in detention
Toho university hospital has established an outstanding coronary surgery team under the leadership of a up and coming, star, U.S. trained surgeon that specializes in the highly risky "Batista" procedure to shrink the size of enlarged hearts. Normally this procedure has only a 60% success rate, but "Team Batista" has achieved a run of 26 straight successes....when suddenly 3 patients in a row die on the operating table. Very disturbed, the lead surgeon requests an independent investigation. The hospital turns to Dr. Taguchi who is a specialist in psychosomatic disorders who is shocked to at the assignment because she knows nothing in particular about surgery. Assured, however, that this very lack of insider specialized knowledge is in fact the "objectivity" required, she diligently begins to investigate in her own polite, but persistent manner.
While recuperating from cosmetic surgery, an actress stops in a small town expecting peace and quiet, but instead finds herself absorbed into a local legend.
In this pilot film to the "Hawaii Five-0" television series, special law officer Steve McGarrett tracks down Red Chinese operatives and their spy ring in Honolulu.
An acting student is haunted by the early death of her mother.
A young man is accused of killing the daughter of Hong Kong’s richest tycoon after a drunken tryst. His poor shop owner grandmother insists he is innocent and seeks legal aid.
Go back to the place where it all began, in the midst of a dreary night -- the kind the ghosts of our past (that come back to haunt us) find irresistible. Relive this poetic, frightening, and sad tale of love and soul forever lost in a charming, new light.
Master Szeto is back and, with his mostly fearless crew in tow, he traipses across Asia in search of the supernatural. What he finds will either amuse or insult you, or perhaps both. But will it entertain you? That indeed is a mystery for us all. To find out how this reviewer fared, read on…if you dare.
Clarissa, the wife of a Foreign Office diplomat, is given to daydreaming. 'Supposing I were to come down one morning and find a dead body in the library, what should I do?' she muses. Clarissa has her chance to find out when she discovers a body in the drawing-room of her house in Kent.
Kogoro Akechi vs Kaijin Nijyuu Menso
Starting as an old-school sleuth story, young Noreen begins investigating the suspicious circumstances surrounding her father's death, uncovering a shocking and sinister conspiracy that has been wreaking havoc in her hometown for years.
Set in 2020. After the death of his daughter, a leading figure in intelligent technology industry hides himself far from the madding crowd and stays with intelligent robots. He inexplicably becomes a murder fugitive when an accident happens, and falls into a trap step by step.
A mysterious man has strange visions in a park of himself.