Les Deschiens : Qui va m'aimer ?
Dédo - Biafine
Jarry au Dôme de Paris
Les Caméras Planquées de François Damiens en Suisse
Revisit your childhood with 1night 2last 3EVER, Team Starkid's second show at the Second City! Set to the theme of 90's Pop Nostalgia, 3EVER (for short) tackles such timely topics as boy bands, cereal commercials, and dial-up modems. Directed by Brian Holden and written by the cast, 3EVER never fails to deliver big laughs in the city of big shoulders.
Patrick Bosso - Sans accent
From the group that brought you A Very Potter Musical comes "Airport for Birds," an evening of "great" ideas and other bits that have hit the cutting room floor. Watch familiar StarKid faces fly through 90 minutes of sketch comedy and music, filmed live at The Second City's UP Comedy Club! Grab your bird-ing pass, the nearest unattended bag, and prepare for departure.
Alexis Le Rossignol - La Cigale pour moi tout seul
Les Chevaliers du Fiel : Municipaux 2.0
Filmmaker Adrian Beqiri was gearing up to make his magnum opus experimental film 'Adventures Of A Posthuman Through Time And Space' but now the pandemic has made him rethink his process. He decides he's tired of making zero budget productions like his first film 'Moon Men' and creates a Pay-Per-View series of videos teaching plebeians how to become true patricians when watching cinema. Adrian is no more, he goes by a new name now; The Kino Kowboy. Kino's schemes don't exactly go to plan and he's forced to come up with new schemes to make money.
Coluche - Quand je serai grand je serai con - Vol 1 & 2
Coluche - Quand je serai grand je serai con - Vol 1
Coluche - Quand je serai grand je serai con - Vol 2
Le chaînon manquant
Thomas Ngijol : l'œil du tigre
Franck Dubosc - Les Pour Toi Public
Since 2021, Paul Mirabel has been touring across France to share his first show. So nonchalant that he provokes laughter from the audience just by moving toward a water bottle, Paul performs with the sincerity of a dreamy guy who doesn’t denounce or demand anything, but brilliantly highlights the absurdities of everyday life that no one pays attention to anymore.
After the success of "Faites entrer Fabrice Eboué", the agitator resumes hostilities with his new show: "Fabrice Eboué, levez-vous!" Always accused of the same crime, he makes through the trial of his existence that of our society ... Without modesty or demagogy! Between the death penalty, religion or Oscar Pistorius, he takes the challenge of laughing and making people laugh about the most sensitive subjects...
A comedy mockumentary about a guy that decides to become the first real world superhero, but isn't cut out for it
Alone Man Show