Stop-motion animated short produced as a film student graduation project at the Gobelins Animation School of Paris by Carlo Vogele, class of 2008, leading to a career as a character animator at Pixar. It was selected as the winner of the Best Graduation Film award the following year at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival.
Ginger imagines a future for her family that is much nicer than the dark and smelly intensive Pig Farm where they all live.
A space occupies it, awaiting to be unlocked by a freeing action or notion. What lies ahead is its determination.
The true story of a young teenage girl whose mother is incarcerated for murder. Living in a Catholic Children's home run by an order of nuns, she provides poignant commentary about her mother, her own situation and her outlook for the future.
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: The Story Behind the Masterpiece is a behind-the-scenes documentary narrated by Corey Burton on the making of The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. It was originally made to commemorate the film's 20th anniversary, and was included with the film's subsequent home video releases. The special was made in 1996 by TV is OK Productions and was directed by Harry Arends.
The film summarizes the origin and development of animated film at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
This all too timely animated taxonomy of iconic police costuming in cinema concisely examines the complicated legacy of movie cops and their real-life counterparts.
Pouce, on tourne
Documentary about the early Mirai Mizue animation films between 2003-2010
A look at the trials and tribulations of school and childhood.
When sleeping dogs awaken rationality quickly disappears.
In County Durham, England, 1984, a talented young dancer, Billy Elliot, stumbles out of the boxing ring and onto the ballet floor. He faces many trials and triumphs as he strives to conquer his family’s set ways, inner conflict, and standing on his toes in a musical that questions masculinity, gender norms and conformity.
Before computer graphics, special effects wizardry, and out-of-this world technology, the magic of animation flowed from the pencils of two of the greatest animators The Walt Disney Company ever produced -- Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston. Frank and Ollie, the talent behind BAMBI, PINOCCHIO, LADY AND THE TRAMP, THE JUNGLE BOOK, and others, set the standard for such modern-day hits as THE LION KING. It was their creative genius that helped make Disney synonymous with brilliant animation, magnificent music, and emotional storytelling. Take a journey with these extraordinary artists as they share secrets, insights, and the inspiration behind some of the greatest animated movies the world has ever known!
Kindness, creativity, inclusivity, and a touch of magic makes the world a brighter place. Explore the story and impact of Canadian entertainer Ernie Coombs and his iconic series, Mr. Dressup, which enriched the lives of five generations.
Dr. Cooper, a puppet scientist, along with his crew, prove categorically that smoking is bad for you.
On their last night of spring break, four old friends, now all college freshmen, realize their small town has more meaning than they ever imagined.
Recent scandals have revealed the brutal methods often imposed on young top athletes. Fueled by numerous testimonies, this damning investigation reveals the workings of a system which sacrifices children in the name of economic interests and glory.
Nearly century-old history, Brazilian animation brings rich and stimulating stories and characters that built the path until nowadays.
From 1945 to 1989, after the capitulation of Nazi Germany, two rival ideologies, communism and capitalism, faced each other in a merciless battle. On one side of the Iron Curtain and on the other, throughout the Cold War, the USSR and the United States sought to shape children’s imaginations through their magazines and films. Never in the history of mankind have so many comic books been published and so many cartoons produced for young people. In November 1989, communism collapsed with the Berlin Wall; capitalism was left to decide the future of the world. What if this victory had been prepared for a long time, and our thinking conditioned, from our early childhood, to ensure this absolute triumph?