In this entertaining Puppetoon animated short film, a young boy, Jasper, gets trapped inside a pawnshop at midnight. All the musical instruments come to life and play jazz. A whooping wooden Indian chief self-animates as well, and goes on the warpath.
In this Puppetoon animated short film, a variety of music styles are heard as, in various locations, characters dance or sing.
A Fairytale Story of Princess Kuro.
Broadcast music evokes erotic and racial fantasies in this commercial.
After hearing someone's "meow" for the first time in his life, baby puppy goes in search of the unknown beast and meets various inhabitants of the house and yard. On children's curiosity and the first acquaintance with the world.
The Night had her birthday, and gave a party to which she invited Dima, a little boy so afraid of the dark that he could never sleep when the light was out.
Facing mounting insect deaths, concerned bugs view a documentary film about Sherwin-Williams's lethal new PESTROY pesticide coating.
A stop-motion advertisement for shoe company Baťa. Depicts shoe repair as surgery.
Centuries ago in the past, the witch, who doesn't like Beauty, puts her to sleep, then flies throughout the castle spreading sleep powder, placing all into slumber. Eventually we flash forward to present time: A young hepcat in a convertible tries awakening Sleeping Beauty, and everyone in the castle, with some Big Band music. Will it work? A Puppetoon animated short film.
In this Puppetoon animated short film, Judy, an enticing blonde, lives across the way from Punchy and uses all her feminine wiles to try to snare him.
A little slacker doesn't appreciate his childhood and wants to face with adult problems as quickly as possible.
Driven from his homeland and faced with the genocide of his people, an inexperienced Elvish prince must forge an unlikely alliance with a tribe of Wolfmen to save his people from the bloodthirsty Zerad.
Two cops portrayed by Michelin Men chase an armed Ronald McDonald through the streets of a fictionalized, stylized city.
Animated characters introduce a compilation of George Pal replacement animation Puppetoon short films from the 1930s and 1940s.
The bond between a father and a daughter is imperilled by matters that go unspoken and hurts that are slow to heal.
A figure known as "The Assassin" descends from the heavens into a nightmarish pit full of monsters, titans, and cruelty.
Làng Wū Yáo is a boy born with a supernatural singing voice. Secluded in the snowy mountains, he is put through severe training by his blind mother. Her wish is for her son's voice to be unrivaled, so that it will be heard by the imperial court. But the intense training results in a tragic accident, where she dies. Left an orphan as a result, Làng wanders the land. His voice is used as a tool by the wicked and greedy, with his heart being ground down in the process. Eventually his strange singing catches the ear of the princess of Xī Yōu, and Làng is elevated to the stage his mother had dreamt of. But what awaits him is a life or death battle performance against other musicians for the amusement of the members of the court.
Kitty and Mimmy are twin kittens. They have been staying inside on a rainy day when they get a souvenir from their mother; an umbrella with different colors and rain boots. The two are excited to try them out, but the rain has stopped...
Christmas 2015 saw Judith Kerr's family favourite literary character, Mog, reimagined in her first-ever animated foray.
Cartoon illustrating the golden rules for brewing a good cup of tea.