A woman wakes up on a distant planet and finds the crew of her space station viciously killed. Her investigation into what happened sets in motion a terrifying chain of events.
FULL SPOILER-FREE REVIEW @ https://movieswetextedabout.com/ash-movie-review-eiza-gonzalez-commands-the-screen-in-a-sci-fi-thriller-of-highs-and-lows/
"Ash doesn't bring anything new to the genres it blends nor does it explore its themes in particularly thought-provoking ways, but it still delivers an intriguing experience, driven by an immersive atmosphere and a truly captivating lead performance.
Eiza González's magnetic presence alone makes the movie worth watching, and there are technical aspects worthy of praise that contribute to an engaging experience. A film of extremes, where its best moments shine as much as its flaws, but one that ultimately earns a recommendation."
Rating: B-