Canary Black

This mission is personal.

Action Thriller Crime
103 min     6.2     2024     United Kingdom


Top level CIA agent Avery Graves is blackmailed by terrorists into betraying her own country to save her kidnapped husband. Cut off from her team, she turns to her underworld contacts to survive and help locate the coveted intelligence that the kidnappers want.


MovieGuys wrote:
I can't find much to recommend in Canary Black. Following the by now well known DEI formula this is another girl boss flick that see's out heroine take on athletic men, twice her size and defeat them (must be the biology defying power of equity). That however, is not this flicks only shortcoming. Its loaded down with absurd contrivances. Batting a triggered mines warhead out a window like a softball, without any harm befalling our pristine heroine. Add to that, fighting in high heels against opponents who, weirdly, typically attack one at a time and odd little too convenient things, such as having a knife strategically placed in a car to cut plastic ties (plastic hand cuff style restraints). Acting is fine. I don't mind Kate Beckinsale and I have a lot of time for Ray Stevenson (who has sadly passed) and was fantastic in the series, Rome. In summary, Canary Black operates on a sliding scale from basic to downright ridiculous, with little in between.
