The Burn with Jeff Ross is a comedy panel show hosted by comedian Jeff Ross on Comedy Central. The show debuted on August 14, 2012, and is executive produced by Ross himself. The program features Ross roasting a wide variety of targets, along with guest appearances by fellow comedians who make up a panel of roasters. The show was renewed for a second season by Comedy Central, which premiered January 8, 2013.
Le WiFi Comédie Club
La Noche D
A topical comedy show, mixing stand-up with sketches and impressions, starring David Baddiel, Robert Newman, Hugh Dennis and Steve Punt.
A nationwide talent search accepting the best professional and non-professional stand-up comedians. Once the selection process is narrowed to 10, the show covers the contestants as they live together and compete for an exclusive contract with NBC, and to be called the Last Comic Standing.
Comedian Andrew Schulz takes on the year's most divisive topics in this fearlessly unfiltered and irreverent four-part special.
ZULU Open Mic
Rui Sinel de Cordes: Prisma
Humour local
Enjoy an evening of the funniest and fiercest LGBTQ+ comedians and drag queens delivering half-hour stand-up specials filled with hilarious and irreverent jokes, stories, impressions and so much more!
Global stand-up comedy series features a diverse set of comics from 13 regions bringing their perspectives on what's funny around the world.
Facing disapproving parents, a knotty love life and her own inner critic, an aspiring comic ditches her cushy but unsatisfying life to pursue stand-up.
Jo Brand Through the Cakehole is a British stand-up comedy television series produced by Channel X, and starring Jo Brand as the show's host. It debuted on 30 December 1993 in the United Kingdom and was broadcast on Channel 4 for three years, from 1993 to 1996.
Stand-up Revolution, the first stand-up television show with four big names who planning to discover the next big sensation in the field!
Amateur comedians strut their stand-up stuff before celebrity judges in this competition.
Comic Garry Shandling draws upon his own talk show experiences to create the character of Larry Sanders, a paranoid, insecure host of a late night talk show. Larry, along with his obsequious TV sidekick Hank Kingsley and his fiercely protective producer Artie, allows Garry Shandling and his talented writers to look behind the scenes and to show us a convincing slice of behind the camera life.
Rui Sinel de Cordes: Duetos